18 May Parks Vic will commence shooting – WHAT YOU CAN DO

18th May 2020 Parks Victoria will begin shooting Victorian Alpine Brumbies at night, using infra red  sights and silencers.  We have been inundated with your questions of what you can do to help. PLEASE sign the petitions below: VICTORIAN Brumbies: CHANGE Petition – LINK – Can we get to 25,000 Australia Wide? Open to all Australians within Victoria or another state https://www.change.org/p/the-heritage-and-cultural-value-of-victorian-brumbies PARLIAMENT Petition (Andy Meddick to present when over 10,000 – LINK; Only open for Victorian residents as it targets the Victorian Government https://www.parliament.vic.gov.au/council/petitions/electronic-petitions/view-e-petitions/details/12/147?fbclid=IwAR321LUJjAIvMQjs_BiGF4i4qf88DlMYR3iSJuEHkYBk29Q8cXBj4cXXPss – nearly halfway – Need 10,000 URGENT by 29th May 2020 (see below to find… Continue reading


MEDIA ALERT FEDERAL COURT GIVES GO AHEAD FOR VICTORIA’S ALPINE BRUMBIES TO BE ANNIHILATED Friday 8th May 2020 Main stories: 1. Today in the Federal Court of Australia at Melbourne, the Australian Brumby Alliance (ABA) has lost its attempt to save Victoria’s Alpine Brumbies in a landmark case against Parks Victoria. Case: Australian Brumby Alliance Inc v Parks Victoria. Federal Court Case No.: VID1569/2018. 2. Parks Victoria now intends to start “ground shooting” Brumbies in (an activity that Parks Victoria acknowledges is unpopular in the community, and an activity that its existing management plan expressly promises will not occur) for… Continue reading

Fate of Vic Alpine Brumbies decided this Friday

NO decision yet – This is a “heads up” that His Honour (Justice O’Bryan) will deliver judgment on the (ABA vs ParksVic) Friday 8 May 2020. We have just days to go to see if Victorian Alpine heritage Brumbies will be exterminated, or if we win, that Parks Vic have to applied for permission to the Hon. Minister Ley (Federal Environment minister) to approve or deny Parks Victoria ‘s action under the EPBC Act. Action – If you have not already, sign both petitions below to demonstrate the need to preserve sustainable Brumby populations surviving in the wild. Jill Pickering,… Continue reading

Parks Victoria Push Rehoming Group to flout CONVID-19 restrictions

Ms Pickering, President, Australian Brumby Alliance (ABA) is “horrified at Parks Victoria’s (PV)selfish actions to trap and transport three Brumbies from Mt. Nelse to a Brumby rescue’s nearby collection point after Professor Sutton’s (https://www.google.com/amp/amp.abc.net.au/article/12099294) clear warning to all Victorians to “Do the right thing now and stay at home today, tomorrow, until we’re through this, please” and “If you are flouting rules, you will be punished.” It is inconceivable, continued Ms Pickering, that Parks Victoria has trapped these three Brumbies, then dropped them at a temporary holding point with no feed to tide them over for the period we are… Continue reading