ABA Autumn Newsletter OUT NOW!

In this issue: President’s Chat ABA Member Group News ABA Response to Parks Victoria Draft Horse Management Plan 2021 ABA Raffle 2021: Donna Crebbin Artworks Vic Parliamentary Environmental Inquiry Upcoming Rallys for Vic Brumbies Brumby Book The Autumn Edition of Brumby Bridges is now available for your reading pleasure – and there is lots to tell you ! Continue reading

Draft Alpine National Park Feral Horse Action Plan 2021

ABA encourages you to put your views to Parks Victoria on their 2021 draft action plan for managing Brumbies in the Alpine National Park. Below are: How you can read the plan and access the feedback forms Links to information on ABA’s position on the issues in the draft plan; Parks Victoria’s draft plan and feedback forms Parks Victoria are updating their action plan for feral horse management in the Alpine National Park. You can review the draft action plan and provide feedback. The (Draft) Feral Horse Action Plan 2021 includes updated approaches for managing feral horses in the alpine… Continue reading

Feb 2021 KNP Wild Horse Management update

We encourage skilled Re-homers to apply to take horses from the trapping program that is detailed below. Kosciuszko National Park Wild Horse Management Stakeholder Update, February 2021 You are receiving this email because you have registered your interest or been identified as a key stakeholder in wild horse management in Kosciuszko National Park. We appreciate your interest and involvement. Post-bushfire control program The Kosciuszko National Park post-bushfire wild horse control program has recommenced for 2021. The summer 2019-2020 bushfires had a devastating impact on native wildlife throughout NSW. Control of wild horses in burnt areas and surrounding unburnt refuges continues… Continue reading

Don’t scapegoat Brumbies when Humans primarily impact the Alpine ecology

Australian Brumby Alliance Media Release 26-January 2021 The Australian Brumby Alliance (ABA) agrees with Clive Hamilton’s opening words in the Canberra Times highlighting human and climate damage across our land and that if Zoos save the corroboree frog, broad tooth rat, stocky galaxias, alpine skink etc. for re-wilding; they still face a “frog-killing fungus of mysterious origins as one threat” and “climate change heating up its sub-alpine habitat”. Our native species survived alongside wild horse populations for 200 years. But now Brumbies are touted as a key threat. Any wild horse impacts pale into insignificance compared to altered waer regulation… Continue reading

And the Winners are……..

CONGRATULATIONS TO OUR Raffle Prize Winners! Winners were randomly drawn via the Raffle Tix website. Thank-you to everyone who purchased a ticket and supported our raffle! FIRST PRIZE – Maria Negyesi SECOND PRIZE – Peter Jenner THIRD PRIZE – Rosie Gehrig-Mills FOURTH PRIZE – Daniel Beecher FIFTH PRIZE – Janine Morffew SIXTH PRIZE – Renee Neubauer SEVENTH PRIZE – Walter Kudrycz EIGHTH PRIZE – Joan Taylor Emails have been sent to all the prize winners. Thank-you to our fabulous Indigenous Artists for their artwork! Liss Cowan Amaroo Dreaming Lil Aud’s Aboriginal Art Aboriginal Art – Lilly Pilly Inspirations Huff Creations… Continue reading