Parks Victoria. Stop shooting horses !!

#StopTheShoot It is Springtime, when new life fills the Alpine National Park with joy and excitement. Wildhorses inhabit the park, and currently mares are pregnant, have given birth or about to,they are incredibly vulnerable. There are foals in the National Park who are innocent, weeksold and suckling of their mother who is about to be shot in the head by contract shootershired by Parks Victoria. Parks Victoria today announced via email that they will commence shooting of horses in theAlpine National Park. They gave no details of the shoot, the method, how many, what theevidence was, nor was there any… Continue reading

Indigenous custodians divided over the fate of wild horses in Kosciuszko National Park

Opinions are divided amongst Ngarigo custodians, whose traditional lands occupy Kosciuszko National Park, about a proposal to manage wild horses in the NSW high country. University of Sydney Professor and Ngarigo woman Jakelin Troy wants zero horses in the park, but as a horse lover herself she can appreciate why the issue has caused so much debate. The most recent survey found there were more than 14,000 brumbies in the park, But some don’t agree, believing the numbers to be much lower after the Black Summer bushfires. “They’re only plucking numbers out of mid-air,” says Andrew Wilesmith, who is a member of the… Continue reading

Draft Kosciuszko National Park Wild Horse Management Plan released for community consultation

On Friday October 1st the NSW Government released the draft Kosciuszko National Park Wild Horse Heritage Management Plan (draft plan) with a community consultation period until the 2nd of November. The draft plan was prepared to meet the requirements of the Kosciuszko Wild Horse Heritage Act 2018. The Australian Brumby Alliance (ABA) has the following response to the draft plan. Overall, the ABA acknowledges this draft plan is a change in direction from previous plans and we are grateful for the more balanced approached. Whilst there is still much work to be done to protect our Heritage Brumby for future… Continue reading

ABA Spring Newsletter OUT NOW!

The Spring Edition of Brumby Bridges is now available for your reading pleasure. In this issue: President’s Chat The Mega Problem of Large Herbivore Decline Introducing new ABA Member Bluewater Brumbies Book Review – Brumby Wars Australia’s Fortress Conservation is Outdated Brumbies in the Media – ABC Landline Southern Cross Brumby DNA Registry News from Save the Brumbies Continue reading

The Mega Problem of Large Herbivore Decline

There is a sad and important story unfolding. Climate change and human activity – including hunting,poaching, land-use change and resource depression by livestock – is closing in on the world’s megafaunaand in some corners of the globe, particularly in developing countries, many are under threat ofextinction. A growing area of research is showing that large terrestrial herbivores are crucial to ecosystems andhuman societies and their decline has cascading effects on other species. The rate of decline suggeststhat increasing areas of the world will soon lack many of the vital ecological services these animalsprovide, resulting in significant ecological and social costs…. Continue reading