Victorian Brumbies to be shot early June 2022

The Australian Brumby Alliance Inc. (ABA) strongly objects to Parks Victoria (PV) calling for tender toshoot Brumbies in the Vic Alps, Bogong High Plains and Barmah national parks1 while there are stillrehomers with space waiting to receive these sentient, wild horses – at this very moment, PV’s statement of obligations2 explains that “effective communication with the community and keystakeholders is critical to the successful development and delivery of major policies. This is bestpractice. Poor practice is killing healthy horses when rehoming space exists, thus denying them anydomestic future; until PV call meeting of relevant stakeholders to see how rehoming can… Continue reading

Brumby re-homing policy ‘airy fairy’ say volunteers removing wild horses from national parks

ABC Goulburn Murray news features ABA member group Hoofs2010 in this article on re-homing Volunteers wanting to remove and re-home more of Australia’s wild horses from national parks are calling for more government support. Both the New South Wales and Victorian governments last year adopted plans to reduce wild horse numbers with a focus on re-homing and high animal welfare outcomes, where possible. Volunteers eager to re-home horses have said their skills should be better utilised under the states’ latest plans. They are calling for help in the form of funding or in-kind support which would allow them to take more horses… Continue reading

ABA Summer Newsletter OUT NOW !

In this issue: President’s Chat Member News ABA Response to KNP Horse Management Plan ABA Response to Parks Victoria Announcement to Shoot How to Measure if an Animal is Now Native New Member – White Alpine Equine Wild Horses Have Complex Social Groups Plus photos and gift ideas….. Continue reading

Parks Victoria. Stop shooting horses !!

#StopTheShoot It is Springtime, when new life fills the Alpine National Park with joy and excitement. Wildhorses inhabit the park, and currently mares are pregnant, have given birth or about to,they are incredibly vulnerable. There are foals in the National Park who are innocent, weeksold and suckling of their mother who is about to be shot in the head by contract shootershired by Parks Victoria. Parks Victoria today announced via email that they will commence shooting of horses in theAlpine National Park. They gave no details of the shoot, the method, how many, what theevidence was, nor was there any… Continue reading