Live Stream of Animal Welfare inquiry into proposed aerial shooting of brumbies in Kosciuszko National Park

The second day of hearings by the NSW Legislative Committee on Animal Welfare will be Live Streamed on Monday 5 February 2024. You can watch live at the link below: In September 2023 ABA posted info on the Committee’s the call for submissions by 13 October. ABA President Jill Pickering and Vice President Nikki Alberts gave evidence before the Animal Welfare Committee, chaired by the Hon Emma Hurst MLC, on 18 December 2023 and you can view a video of that day’s live stream using the links below: Continue reading

Urgent! Make your submission by 13 October!

Emma Hurst MP Parliamentary Inquiry into aerial shooting of brumbies in Kosciuszko National Park Dear Jill, Our office has been inundated with concerns about the NSW Government’s plan to commence aerial shooting of brumbies in Kosciuszko National Park. That’s why we’ve set up a Parliamentary Inquiry – there are only a few days left to make a submission. MAKE YOUR SUBMISSION TO THE BRUMBY INQUIRY HERE The good news is a submission does not have to be long and can talk about any aspect you would like – it could be one line noting your position. Will you share your voice… Continue reading

Animal Welfare inquiry into proposed aerial shooting of brumbies in Kosciuszko National Park

The NSW Legislative Council’s Animal Welfare Committee is currently conducting an inquiry into proposed aerial shooting of brumbies in Kosciuszko National Park. The closing date for submissions is Friday 13 October 2023. ABA has been invited to lodge a submission to the NSW Animal Welfare Committee. We urge other individuals and groups to separately lodge submissions to the inquiry. Click below for more information and to lodge a submission. More Info on the inquiry: Continue reading

ABA Commences Supreme Court Case Against Parks Victoria

Australian Brumby Alliance Inc (ABA) has commenced proceedings in the Supreme Court of Victoria against Parks Victoria. Australian Brumby Alliance alleges that Parks Victoria’s inhumane killing of Brumbies by gunshot is unlawful and does not comply with the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act. “Over-population of a non-native species does not give Parks Victoria a ticket to inhumanely kill for population control,” ABA president Jill Pickering said. “Photos have emerged of horses and tiny foals slaughtered by gunshot. Sadly, there is evidence of immense suffering. “Parks Victoria have chosen cruelty over common sense or compassion by shooting our beautiful, sentient… Continue reading

Stop Press ! Urgent Petition to Oppose Live Export of Horses and Donkeys

You may have heard that there are moves in the federal government to open up a market in the live export of ponies, horses and donkeys for slaughter overseas. Under questioning in Senate Estimates from Senator Derryn Hinch, Departmental officials confirmed that a number of enquiries had been made about exporting horses and donkeys “in large numbers for slaughter”. Various groups, including Canberra’s rspca and the Australian Equine Unification Scheme groups have worked to raise awareness about this – but until Senate Estimates there was nothing recorded in the public domain to share. With Darren Hinch, raising this issue in the… Continue reading