ABA Response to Draft Management Plan – Greater Alpine National Park (Vic)

The ABA has responded to the Victorian “Greater Alpine National Parks draft management plan” released June 2014. In summary, the ABA has called for: “The Brumby’s unique, living cultural must be recognised as it is totally consistent with the Act obligations to respect culture), by: Formalising conservation grazing programs, Maintaining viable, co-existing Brumby populations, and Removing overabundant Brumby numbers by humane methods such as passive trapping, low stress mustering and fertility control [effective now for populations < 200]. Never use aerial shooting in the Alpine National Park. “ To view/download the full submission, click below: ABA reply to Alps Plan… Continue reading

March Brumby Bridges available now!

The March 2014 issue of the ABA Newsletter is now available in pdf format from our ABA Newsletter page. In this Issue: Comments on current Wild Horse Management Reviews   ABA Website development Member News Australian Brumby Challenge Learned Helplessness in Horses Clinics and Tours Rewilding Europe Continue reading

December Brumby Bridges out now!

The December 2013 ABA newsletter, Brumby Bridges is now available for view or download HERE ! In this issue….. ABA News and Member Reports (including Parks Victoria Wild Horse Management Plan update) The Australian Brumby Challenge Book Launch: Brumby – A Celebration of the Australian Wild Horse Postcard from New Zealand Bitless Riding Continue reading