ABA vs Parks Victoria, Federal Court, 15-19 July 2019

Jill Pickering, President of ABA, summarises an eventful week Day 1 (Monday 15 July 2019) – First court day today ABA vs Parks Victoria. Our legal team presented good legal arguments, which Parks legal team tried to undermine. Tomorrow we sort unresolved evidence objections, then begin witness evidence. Great to challenge ParksVic in an environment that requires a reply. Sunrise aired this morning aired a program thanks to our media team Six O’clock’s persistence. Sunrise gave good coverage from ABA’s perspective, Phil ingamells was as negative as usual. Fail to understand why the Sunrise lady claimed that Brumbies were un-trainable!!!!!!… Continue reading

March 2018 ABA Newsletter OUT NOW!

The March 2018 edition of Brumby Bridges is now available for viewing or download.  In this issue: President’s Chat Impacts of Brumbies on the Bogong High Plains Parks Victoria Plan to 2020 Member News Deer versus Horse Hoof? Australian Brumby Challenge The Cultural Meaning of Wild Horses Editor’s Tail   Visit our ABA Newsletter Page or click on the link below: Brumby Bridges Mar 2018       Continue reading

Vic Government releases Draft Wild Horse Management Plan

In the draft Alpine National Park – Alpine National Park – Feral Horse Strategic Action Plan which was released the last working day prior to Christmas, Parks Victoria are to cull every Brumby from Bogong High Plains and halve the number in the Alps main area over the next few years. The draft plan release was also covered by The Weekend Australian. ABA has prepared a Position Paper and How to Help document Colleen O’Brien (Victorian Brumby Association) has set up a FAQ page and ways to provide feedback to the short time frame to 2 Feb 2018 16 Feb… Continue reading