Brumbies killed in Kosciuszko National Park, NSW

ABA is both angered and saddened to report further on the wild horse killings in Kosciuszko National Park. Click below to read or download ABA Media Releases. Other Media Links to this story Interview with Peter Cochrane National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) confirmed it is “implementing wild horse control” within the park, as part of a plan it says balances heritage with conservation. New York Daily Paper article : Kosciuszko National Park: 11 wild brumbies killed as 2GB’s Ray Hadley weighs in Continue reading

The senseless killing of 11 Brumbies in KNP over the weekend

ABA Media Release 9 Sep 2022 The Australian Brumby Alliance (ABA) received reports over the weekend that on the11th of September 11 Brumbies had been shot and killed in Kosciusko National Park,NSW. It appears these Brumbies were shot by professionals as each body had only oneor at most two gun-shot wounds and most of the 11 Brumbies were shot in the headwith an instant kill. Brumbies are flight animals, also considered prey animals and therefore extremelysensitive to their environment and do not allow people intent on harming them or theherd, in close proximity. Furthermore, given all 11 members of this… Continue reading

Kosciuszko Brumby Traps Sabotaged

ABA Media Release – 10 March 2022 The ABA does not support behaviour, nor efforts to deny Brumbies, being trapped by National Parks andWildlife Services (NPWS), a chance to be rehomed to domestic life. The majority of Brumby supporters aresaddened by the high Brumby numbers being removed per the KNP management Plan, but we now have aKNP management plan that will retain a Brumby population of 3,000 in Kosciuszko National Park (KNP). Pictures of dismantled traps posted on social media recently by people will not result in further negation asthey wanted; instead, it just escalates emotive anti-brumby environmentalist’s calls to… Continue reading