Stakeholder Update – Kosciuszko National Park Wild Horse Management Plan

The Draft KNP Wild Horse Plan is expected late December 2015, then open for comment for January and February 2016. The final plan is due mid-2016 to detail the future direction of wild horses in KNP. Please read the full details and mark your diaries for the Jan/Feb last chance to comment period. It is vital we end with a balanced and objective plan, and one that allows for Brumbies, in reasonable numbers, to continue living wild in KNP. NPWS Stakeholder update KNP 1-1 Interestingly, KNP are working on a heritage values assessment. Most people know that some social media… Continue reading

ABA appalled by unscientific conclusions for Kosi Brumbies

Two ANU environmental scientist on a ski trip make a spectacular jumps to conclusions about brumbies from an incident at Dead Horse Gap.  The resultant articles and YouTube video show, not good science based on fact and evidence, but speculation and emotional hype. From seeing a few brumbies near a dead mate, wild conclusions of cannibalism lead to the need to aerial cull horses. ABA has responded in a Media Release: ABA Press release Dead Horse Gap 28 Sept 2014   Continue reading

National MPs opposed to removal of Brumbies

John Barilara, NSW State Member for Monara and Paul Weller, Victorian State Member for Rodney have recently supported the presence of sustainable numbers of wild horses in the Kosciuszko and Barmah National Parks.  Both politicians consider the Brumby an icon which has earned its place in the heritage of Australia. Mr Weller has also tabled the petition containing more than 2600 signatures to keep the Barmah Forest Brumbies in their long time habitat. Read more in their media releases below. J Barilaro Med Rel brumbies 27-06-14[97] Leave Brumbies In Barmah Forest – Weller July2014   Continue reading