Don’t scapegoat Brumbies when Humans primarily impact the Alpine ecology

Australian Brumby Alliance Media Release 26-January 2021 The Australian Brumby Alliance (ABA) agrees with Clive Hamilton’s opening words in the Canberra Times highlighting human and climate damage across our land and that if Zoos save the corroboree frog, broad tooth rat, stocky galaxias, alpine skink etc. for re-wilding; they still face a “frog-killing fungus of mysterious origins as one threat” and “climate change heating up its sub-alpine habitat”. Our native species survived alongside wild horse populations for 200 years. But now Brumbies are touted as a key threat. Any wild horse impacts pale into insignificance compared to altered waer regulation… Continue reading

Spring Edition of ABA Newsletter OUT NOW!

In this bumper issue we celebrate ten years of ABA and have a look at what has happened in ABA, its member groups and the Brumby world. And we will be at the 3rd Australian Brumby Challenge at Equitana Melbourne.  If you are in town, we would love to see you! …..more – download or view the newseltter  Continue reading

Stop Press ! Urgent Petition to Oppose Live Export of Horses and Donkeys

You may have heard that there are moves in the federal government to open up a market in the live export of ponies, horses and donkeys for slaughter overseas. Under questioning in Senate Estimates from Senator Derryn Hinch, Departmental officials confirmed that a number of enquiries had been made about exporting horses and donkeys “in large numbers for slaughter”. Various groups, including Canberra’s rspca and the Australian Equine Unification Scheme groups have worked to raise awareness about this – but until Senate Estimates there was nothing recorded in the public domain to share. With Darren Hinch, raising this issue in the… Continue reading

The Burra Charter

The International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS) is a non-governmental professional organisation formed in 1965, with headquarters in Paris. The The Burra Charter was first adopted in 1979, at the historic South Australian mining town of Burra and, following revisions, was adopted by Australia ICOMOS in 2013. The Burra Charter provides guidance for the conservation and management of places of cultural significance (cultural heritage places), and is based on the knowledge and experience of Australia ICOMOS members. Conservation is an integral part of the management of places of cultural significance and is an ongoing responsibility. The Burra Charter can… Continue reading