ABA raises concerns over decision process for Barmah Forest Brumbies

ABA recently posted a Call for Action for people to complete a survey on Parks Victoria’s website in regard to the Barmah Forest Brumbies.   It was understood by ABA that no decision would be made on removing the horses until the stakeholders steering committee consultation process and final report were completed. However the stakeholders committee was informed late 2013, before their review was completed, that Parks Victoria had now made the decision to remove Barmah’s Brumbies. ABA President Jill Pickering has written to Parks Victoria expressing concerns as well as seeking answers to a list of questions put to Parks… Continue reading

Barmah Forest Brumbies – URGENT call to submit your views

Urgent – Barmah Forest Survey Your Support is needed to help Brumbies in Barmah State Forest (Vic) Please submit your response to Parks Victoria by 16 February 2014 Parks Victoria has recently decided to remove all Brumbies in Barmah Forest (Victoria), effectively ignoring the Key Stake holders who have met with Parks Victoria for over a year to recommend the best way to manage around 150 Brumbies living in the Barmah Forest. Following Parks Victoria decision to remove the Brumbies, Parks Victoria is undertaking a study to assess social & heritage values of wild horse population in Barmah National Park…. Continue reading

The Horse Gallops In

The seventh animal of the Lunar Calendar, the horse, galloped in in a blaze of multi-coloured lights, green, red, yellow, at midnight on Friday, as the Wood Horse arrived with great fan-fare & thunderous ‘applause’. According to one of many legends, the cheerful, charismatic horse, despite its speed and agility, arrived seventh in a swimming race organised on the Jade Emperor’s birthday. The first 12 animals, which crossed the winning line, would receive a medal and have one of the lunar years named after it. The Emperor was just about to award the medal to the horse, when the sly… Continue reading

December Brumby Bridges out now!

The December 2013 ABA newsletter, Brumby Bridges is now available for view or download HERE ! In this issue….. ABA News and Member Reports (including Parks Victoria Wild Horse Management Plan update) The Australian Brumby Challenge Book Launch: Brumby – A Celebration of the Australian Wild Horse Postcard from New Zealand Bitless Riding Continue reading