Vic Legislative Council passes motion to cease shooting Brumbies in National Parks

From Bill Tiley MP (3 June 2020) THE AYES HAVE IT … Late today the Legislative Council in the Parliament of Victoria moved and passed a motion to cease the Labor Government and Parks Victoria’s policy of shooting Brumbies in our National Parks. It is a significant step for all of us who have fought to save these iconic high-country horses. This vote in effect says and sends a very clear message to both the Labor Government and Parks Victoria to get back to the table and engage and consult with Victorians. To engage and consult with the organisations who… Continue reading

Bill Tilley MLA Issues a Uniting Call

Thank you Bill Tilley for your uniting call that – “Together we can save these horses” and “I’m amazed by the incredible show of support for the brumbies from people from all walks of life, from the high country, Victoria, the nation and across the globe”. Full text below.   Good Morning, A Supreme Court judgement on the management of brumbies in Victoria’s Alpine National Park has been reserved until Friday afternoon following the presentation of arguments in front of Justice Moore yesterday. We continue to live in the hope and resolve that the Supreme Court recognises the failings of… Continue reading

ABA Media Release – Correction to Reclaim Kosci Statements 22-May-20

Read on or download/View the full Media Release:  ABA Media Release – Reclaim Kosci Correction On 8th May 2020 the Federal Court rejected Australian Brumby Alliance (ABA) vs Parks Victoria Court case to prevent Parks Victoria exterminating the entire Bogong High Plains Brumby heritage population or significantly reduce East VicAlp Brumby numbers. Justice O’Bryan concluded “having regard to the foregoing factors, on balance I do not consider that the proposed Action is likely to have a significant impact on this National Heritage value. While there will be some impact …… the retention of a significant population of brumbies in the… Continue reading