ABA Response to Draft Management Plan – Greater Alpine National Park (Vic)

The ABA has responded to the Victorian “Greater Alpine National Parks draft management plan” released June 2014. In summary, the ABA has called for: “The Brumby’s unique, living cultural must be recognised as it is totally consistent with the Act obligations to respect culture), by: Formalising conservation grazing programs, Maintaining viable, co-existing Brumby populations, and Removing overabundant Brumby numbers by humane methods such as passive trapping, low stress mustering and fertility control [effective now for populations < 200]. Never use aerial shooting in the Alpine National Park. “ To view/download the full submission, click below: ABA reply to Alps Plan… Continue reading

Barmah Brumby Awareness Ride 16th August 2014

Hoofs2010 Inc. and the Barmah Brumby Preservation Group Inc. are holding a Heritage Horse Awareness Day in Echuca, Victoria on August 16, 2014. During the day there will be guest speakers, entertainment, information stalls and “stalls of the horse kind”.  Entry is by gold coin donation and it will be a great family day out. A highlight will be a parade of horses, led and ridden through the town of Echuca to Rotary Park.  Enter as an individual, group or club to be in the parade! (pre-registration required). Wear a heritage costume in the parade to show how horses have… Continue reading

Poll on whether Brumbies should be culled

The Victorian Government is seeking public submissions to its draft management plan for the Alpine National Park.  Submissions will close on 25 August 2014. Below is an excerpt from a Weekly Times article on Brumbies in the Victorian Alps.  For the full story and the link to their online poll  go to: (http://www.weeklytimesnow.com.au/news/national/cull-call-as-brumbies-threaten-victorian-alps/story-fnkfnspy-1226980012886)   “Should brumbies be culled? – Have Your Say in the form below A draft management plan, ¬quietly released by Parks Victoria last month, issues a dire warning on the number of feral horses, relying on aerial surveys which tracked a 20 per cent opulation jump each… Continue reading

National MPs opposed to removal of Brumbies

John Barilara, NSW State Member for Monara and Paul Weller, Victorian State Member for Rodney have recently supported the presence of sustainable numbers of wild horses in the Kosciuszko and Barmah National Parks.  Both politicians consider the Brumby an icon which has earned its place in the heritage of Australia. Mr Weller has also tabled the petition containing more than 2600 signatures to keep the Barmah Forest Brumbies in their long time habitat. Read more in their media releases below. J Barilaro Med Rel brumbies 27-06-14[97] Leave Brumbies In Barmah Forest – Weller July2014   Continue reading