ABA-v-Parks Victoria Judgement 8-Feb-2023 Summary

ABA-v-PV case snapshotThree issues were identified for determination, namely –(a) whether the Code can apply to the program of ground shooting of horses in theAlpine National Park; and(b) if the Code is applicable – (i) whether the ground shooting of horses by the defendant has been carried out ‘in accordance with’ the Code; and (ii) whether aerial shooting of horses by the defendant can be carried out ‘inaccordance with’ the Code We emphasised that Hunting Code that PV now claim to operate under to shoot horses inVictoria, was not in the Horse Action plan and only raised by PV as… Continue reading

Parks Victoria: STOP shooting – Brumbies can be Rehomed

ABA Media Release 21 Nov 2022 This weekend, the Victorian Brumby Associations is holding its Australian Brumby Challenge(ABC) https://victorianbrumbyassociation.org/aus-brumby-challenge at Yarra Junction, VICto showcase how wild Brumbies are transformed over 150 days from “Wild to Wonderful”. Wild horses live in sentient, family orientated groups learning skills that will enable them tosurvive. BUT the Andrews Government stubbornly refuses to acknowledge the values thatwild Brumbies offer; instead Labor insists that ALL must be cruelly shot. No animal deservesto suffer the raw, brutal slaughter that this current Government is conducting. Viable alternatives exist to gentle and rehome these intelligent Brumbies, for example, theAustralian… Continue reading