ABA appalled at NSW Government decision to introduce aerial shooting of Brumbies

Australian Brumby Alliance Inc. Media Release 27th October 2023 The Australian Brumby Alliance (ABA) is appalled at the decision by Minister Sharpe to amend the Wild Horse Management Plan and overturn the NSW ban on aerial shooting of wild horses. In the wake of this decision, the ABA calls on Minister Sharpe to commit to a balanced approach to management, including a strengthened commitment to passive trapping and rehoming as the most humane management method. “Aerial culling was banned because evidence from Guy Fawkes National Park massacre and other locations showed it was a cruel and imprecise way to manage… Continue reading

Urgent! Make your submission by 13 October!

Emma Hurst MP Parliamentary Inquiry into aerial shooting of brumbies in Kosciuszko National Park Dear Jill, Our office has been inundated with concerns about the NSW Government’s plan to commence aerial shooting of brumbies in Kosciuszko National Park. That’s why we’ve set up a Parliamentary Inquiry – there are only a few days left to make a submission. MAKE YOUR SUBMISSION TO THE BRUMBY INQUIRY HERE The good news is a submission does not have to be long and can talk about any aspect you would like – it could be one line noting your position. Will you share your voice… Continue reading

Urgent Reminder – “have your say” on Amending the Kosciuszko National Park Wild Horse Heritage Management Plan

Please complete on-line Survey and email submission by 11-Sept-2023 The amendment proposed to the NSW Wild Horse Heritage management plan is to add aerial shooting to the current control methods of ground shooting, trapping for rehoming or if no rehomers available, horses are trucked to the knackery. It is vital for you and each of your contacts to “have your say” by doing any one  of the following:  Draft amendment to the Kosciuszko National Park Wild Horse Heritage Management Plan (qualtrics.com) scroll  down page to find survey questions, then also complete  your submission responding to option 2 or 3 below;… Continue reading

Draft amendment to the Kosciuszko National Park Wild Horse Heritage Management Plan proposes to allow aerial shooting

The draft amendment proposes to authorise aerial shooting as an available method to control wild horses, in addition to existing methods such as ground shooting, trapping and rehoming.  After 5 years of virtually doing nothing to comply with the Kosciuszko Wild Horse Heritage Act 2018 and the Kosciuszko National Park Wild Horse Heritage Management Plan, the NSW Government is now trying to catch up in reducing horse numbers to 3,000 horses by 30 June 2027. The draft amendment does not change the requirement to recognise the heritage value of sustainable wild horse populations in the park and protect that heritage… Continue reading