Invasive Hippos, Camels, and Elephants OFfer a Glimmer of Hope for Earth’s Megafauna

From article on the Earther website…. “According to a study published in Ecography, megafauna, defined as plant-eating terrestrial mammals weighing more than 100 kilograms (220 pounds) on average, are establishing themselves in new and often unexpected places outside of their historic native ranges. These introduced populations would typically be considered invasive species, but the authors think a better term might be “survivors.” Furthermore, the giant animals, which include everything from hippopotamuses to donkeys, might offer unexpected benefits to their new homelands. In a recent article in The Conversation, the authors write that “these ‘feral’ populations are rewilding the world with… Continue reading

Stop Press ! Urgent Petition to Oppose Live Export of Horses and Donkeys

You may have heard that there are moves in the federal government to open up a market in the live export of ponies, horses and donkeys for slaughter overseas. Under questioning in Senate Estimates from Senator Derryn Hinch, Departmental officials confirmed that a number of enquiries had been made about exporting horses and donkeys “in large numbers for slaughter”. Various groups, including Canberra’s rspca and the Australian Equine Unification Scheme groups have worked to raise awareness about this – but until Senate Estimates there was nothing recorded in the public domain to share. With Darren Hinch, raising this issue in the… Continue reading

Ponies, Horses and Donkeys on Live Export Hit List

BREAKING NEWS: We need your urgent support. Australia’s ponies, horses and donkeys are next on the Australian Government’s live export hit list. This means ponies, horses and donkeys – that have been taken from the wild, retired from the racing industry, or bought from their owners in Australia – could be sent on a perilous journey before being slaughtered overseas for their skin and meat. We’re calling on the Australian Government to stop this cruel trade before it starts, and prohibit the live export of ponies, horses and donkeys once and for all. Join us, and sign the petition now… Continue reading

Wildlife and cows can be partners, not enemies, in search for food

Princeton University researchers are leading an effort to put to pasture the long-held convention of cattle ranching that wild animals compete with cows for food. Princetown Cattle Wildlife Positive Research Princetown Research link   Continue reading

Proposal for Wild Horse and Burro Reserve Design

Proposal for Wild Horse/Burro Reserve Design as a Solution to Present Crisis USA Positive attributes wild horses – Reserve Design Proposal for Wild Horse and Burros Denver June 2010 By Craig C. Downer, Wildlife Ecologist       P.O. Box 456, Minden, NV 89423       cc******@ya***.com Tel. 775-267-3484 For presentation at BLM wild horse/burro workshop (6/14/2010) & National Wild Horse & Burro Advisory Board Meeting (6/15/2010) in Denver, Colorado, & other venues. Continue reading