Victorian Coalition pledges to end brumby culling if it wins election

The Victorian Coalition will end the shooting of wild horses to control their populations if it wins the November state election, despite environmental groups arguing the introduced animals severely damage the natural landscape. The opposition has vowed to focus on rehoming brumbies rather than eradicating them by hunting from the ground or air. Last month, Parks Victoria released a tender calling for contractors to deliver the “safe, humane and effective” shooting of feral animals in the Alpine and Barmah national parks. Wild horses are listed as the primary target in the tender document, but deer, foxes, cats, pigs and goats… Continue reading

Daniel Andrews defends plan to cull feral horses as protesters rally outside state parliament

Victorian premier, Daniel Andrews, has defended a decision to cull feral horses that are causing ecological damage to Victoria’s fragile Alpine ecosystems, as protesters campaigning against the planned shooting amassed on the steps of state parliament. Parks Victoria plans to remove 500 horses from the eastern Alpine region this year as part of a feral horse management plan that includes the eventual removal of all horses from Barmah national park on the Murray River and from the Bogong high plains. The protest comes a month after Parks Victoria issued a tender for feral animal control in alpine areas, for the… Continue reading

Victorian Brumbies to be shot early June 2022

The Australian Brumby Alliance Inc. (ABA) strongly objects to Parks Victoria (PV) calling for tender toshoot Brumbies in the Vic Alps, Bogong High Plains and Barmah national parks1 while there are stillrehomers with space waiting to receive these sentient, wild horses – at this very moment, PV’s statement of obligations2 explains that “effective communication with the community and keystakeholders is critical to the successful development and delivery of major policies. This is bestpractice. Poor practice is killing healthy horses when rehoming space exists, thus denying them anydomestic future; until PV call meeting of relevant stakeholders to see how rehoming can… Continue reading

Victorian Alpine Brumby Founding Stock

The Brumby Founding Stock of the Bogongs and Eastern Alps This document has been created with help from ABA supporters conducting interviews with people whose ancestors worked the Victorian Alps, information gleaned from literature on the history of the Victorian Alps and online archives. The key purpose of this document is to illustrate the heritage attributes of the Bogong High Plains and Victorian Eastern Alpine region Brumbies. This document is a living document, and will continue to grow as our knowledge expands and we learn more from relevant key sources with deeper local knowledge and heritage skills. The ABA encourages… Continue reading