Victorian Brumbies to be shot early June 2022

The Australian Brumby Alliance Inc. (ABA) strongly objects to Parks Victoria (PV) calling for tender toshoot Brumbies in the Vic Alps, Bogong High Plains and Barmah national parks1 while there are stillrehomers with space waiting to receive these sentient, wild horses – at this very moment, PV’s statement of obligations2 explains that “effective communication with the community and keystakeholders is critical to the successful development and delivery of major policies. This is bestpractice. Poor practice is killing healthy horses when rehoming space exists, thus denying them anydomestic future; until PV call meeting of relevant stakeholders to see how rehoming can… Continue reading

Parks Victoria to Exterminate ALL of Barmah’s Heritage Brumbies

The Hon. Lilly D’Ambrosio has approved Parks Victoria’s (PVs) Strategic Action Plan Protection of Floodplain Marshes Barmah National Park and Barmah Forest Ramsar Site 2020 – 2023 (the plan). The Australian Brumby Alliance (ABA) strongly rejects PV’s claim that removing Barmah’s Brumbies is an immediate priority as “Brumbies are the most destructive of Barmah’s feral species”. The ABA’s goal is to support the retention of sustainable Brumby numbers in their historic homelands. We are deeply shocked and horrified to see this Barmah Brumby eviction plan based on propaganda. Jill Pickering, ABA’s President said that PV advised that the numbers of… Continue reading