Reviewing the October 2000 aerial shooting of Guy Fawkes Brumbies

Fourteen years ago over 600 Brumbies in the Guy Fawkes River National Park were shot from helicopters in a cull contracted by the NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service.  The resultant public outcry and eyewitness evidence of inhumane practices resulted in a lawsuit by the RSPCA against the NSW NPWS as well as the Environment Minister of the Day, Bob Debus to ban aerial culling in all NSW National Parks. Debates about the use of aerial culling continue today but the facts and history of the Guy Fawkes cull seem to have faded.   The ABA has conducted a desktop study… Continue reading

ABA appalled by unscientific conclusions for Kosi Brumbies

Two ANU environmental scientist on a ski trip make a spectacular jumps to conclusions about brumbies from an incident at Dead Horse Gap.  The resultant articles and YouTube video show, not good science based on fact and evidence, but speculation and emotional hype. From seeing a few brumbies near a dead mate, wild conclusions of cannibalism lead to the need to aerial cull horses. ABA has responded in a Media Release: ABA Press release Dead Horse Gap 28 Sept 2014   Continue reading

Parks Victoria response to ABA concerns over aerial culling

Date: Wed, 11 Sep 2013 Subject: Alps Horse Plan Submissions The following is a response from Parks Victoria regarding concerns about recent ABC news aired by Victorian environmentalists who are using rspca vic’s recommendation for aerial shooting in the Alpine National Park. “Thanks for your email. You should not be concerned, as indicated in documentation on the Parks Victoria website the shooting of free roaming horses is not being considered a control option as part of the current consultation. I believe your concerns may stem from a segment that aired on ABC Melbourne radio yesterday. The segment featured an interview… Continue reading

ABA disappointed by RSPCA support for aerial culling

After working hard with the RSPCA, Parks Victoria and National Parks NSW to find a humane solution to brumby management, ABA is confounded that RSPCA/Vic has supported aerial culling as reported by the ABC: RSPCA backs cull of wild brumbies ABA’s position is detailed below Media Release 14 September 2013 The Australian Brumby Alliance is concerned at recent calls for aerial culling in the Victorian Alps, and especially sad to hear the RSPVA VIC, despite sitting on a committee chaired by Parks Victoria for almost a year where several other humane and best practise control methods have been discussed state… Continue reading