Derailing Kosciuszko’s Brumby Review process

ABA is appalled that the views of NSW National Parks and Wildlife Services have been aired in a recent Sunday Telegraph article, Time is running out for wild brumbies made famous the Man From Snowy River movie, ahead of the recommendations by an expert panel review and release of the Draft KNP Management Plan. Furthermore, ABA refutes the statements made in the Sunday Telegraph article and has written to the NSW Minister for the Environment and Heritage. ABA’s letter to the Minister and Media Release can be viewed at the links below. ABA KNP Media Release 24-Nov-2015 Letter to the… Continue reading

ABA appalled by unscientific conclusions for Kosi Brumbies

Two ANU environmental scientist on a ski trip make a spectacular jumps to conclusions about brumbies from an incident at Dead Horse Gap.  The resultant articles and YouTube video show, not good science based on fact and evidence, but speculation and emotional hype. From seeing a few brumbies near a dead mate, wild conclusions of cannibalism lead to the need to aerial cull horses. ABA has responded in a Media Release: ABA Press release Dead Horse Gap 28 Sept 2014   Continue reading