Genes link wild horses in Western Canada to Siberian Breed

A genetic study of a remote population of wild horses in Western Canada has posed a raft of new questions about their origins, with the results revealing an intriguing link to the Yakut horses of Siberia. It is assumed that the horses observed by European fur traders in the early 1800s in association with Tsilhqot’in First Nations in the Chilcotin area of south central British Columbia were descended from Spanish-derived horses brought in about 1740 along native trade routes from plateau grasslands in what is now Washington State. Today, an estimated 1,000 feral horses still survive in remote areas of… Continue reading

The Burra Charter

The International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS) is a non-governmental professional organisation formed in 1965, with headquarters in Paris. The The Burra Charter was first adopted in 1979, at the historic South Australian mining town of Burra and, following revisions, was adopted by Australia ICOMOS in 2013. The Burra Charter provides guidance for the conservation and management of places of cultural significance (cultural heritage places), and is based on the knowledge and experience of Australia ICOMOS members. Conservation is an integral part of the management of places of cultural significance and is an ongoing responsibility. The Burra Charter can… Continue reading

ABA frustrated by delay in Parks Victoria report release

Why are we still waiting for the release of results of a wild horse count survey that was conducted over a year ago in Victoria’s Alpine National Park? A draft summary of the March 2014 count in NSW’s Kosciuszko National Park was released September 2014 (full report is 63 pages excluding raw data). However the Victorian Alps population count (completed 12 months ago) is yet to be released. ABA has written to Bill Jackson CEO of Parks Victoria. To view the letter, click link below: Letter to Bill Jackson, Parks Victoria ABA has received a reply to the above letter. … Continue reading