Draft KNP Wild Horse Management Plan delayed (again) to an unknown future date

NSW National Parks and Wildlife have advised that: “During the consultation phase with key stakeholders many issues were brought up which needed to be considered from a range of perspectives. NPWS is taking the time to thoroughly explore these issues to make the draft plan comprehensive and evidence-based. This is to help ensure the best draft is presented for exhibition as soon as possible. At that time everyone will be encouraged to provide further feedback.” However, no revised timing for the Review process has been given, leaving the Review still in limbo. For more info, read the full Stakeholder Update:… Continue reading

Brumbies feature on cover of Australian Geographic Magazine

The Australian Geographic celebrated their special 30th anniversary issue (Jan/Feb 2016) with their pick of Australia’s top 30 conservation heroes. Brumbies on the front cover, entice readers to read “Historic icon, convenient resource or environmental vandal?” Amanda Burdon’s full story, which sensitively presents a range of Brumby opinions, may be on Australian Geographic’s website later this year. Until then, check out some great photos taken by Jason Edwards, who flew into some least accessible parts of Kosciuszko National Park to observe Australia’s wild horses, brumbies, on link: http://www.australiangeographic.com.au/topics/wildlife/2015/12/gallery-brumbies,-australias-wild-horses Continue reading

ABA concerned that some ‘Brumby advocates’ are again promoting violence against Park Staff

The Australian Brumby Alliance Inc., along with many Brumby advocates have steadily worked to develop constructive, effective, dialogue with Park staff, backed by an increasing range of rational comprehensive documents we find or develop. Narrowing the gap between the Pro and Anti-lobby is soon derailed by anyone who relies on hate and aggression towards those charged with the responsibility to manage our Parks according to the laws of this Country, or even worse, their children. How can we object to anti-Brumby lobbyists pushing their views when other Brumby supporters champion violence to ‘force’ others to listen?  The following quote speaks of… Continue reading

Pioneer of PZP in Wild Horses Dies at 75

PZP has been used in fertility control programs in the United States since 1989.  Through the years, advances in PZP and other fertility control vaccines have improved delivery and efficacy making them a more viable alternative to lethal control methods. Jay Kirkpatrick was arguably the most influential person in the development of this humane method of controlling over abundant species. For the full article… Pioneer of PZP birth control in wild horses dies at 75 Continue reading

December ABA Newsletter OUT NOW!

The last Brumby Bridges for 2015 is now online:   December 2015 Brumby Bridges IN THIS ISSUE….. 3…..Australian National Heritage Charter 4…..Member News 4…..ABHR Showcase Brumby 0f the Year Awards 8…..KNP Wild Horse Management Plan Update 8….Blaming Brumbies in Queensland 8….2016 Australian Brumby Challenge   Continue reading