ABA seeks injunction against Parks Victoria to save Bogong High Plains Brumbies

The Australian Brumby Alliance (ABA) has filed an application in the Federal Court of Australia seeking an urgent interim injunction against Parks Victoria to stop it: a) from trapping, mustering, shooting, removing, or otherwise interfering with Brumbies in the Bogong High Plains in the Alpine National Park in Victoria; and b) from taking any action that might cause significant depletion of any of the other populations of Brumbies in the Alpine National Park. The ABA seeks to challenge Parks Victoria’s intended action to ‘manage to extinction’ the Wild Horses that have called the Bogong High Plains region home for 140… Continue reading

Spring Edition of ABA Newsletter OUT NOW!

In this bumper issue we celebrate ten years of ABA and have a look at what has happened in ABA, its member groups and the Brumby world. And we will be at the 3rd Australian Brumby Challenge at Equitana Melbourne.  If you are in town, we would love to see you! …..more – download or view the newseltter  Continue reading

June ABA Newsletter OUT NOW !

A tad late but a lot has happened!  The June newsletter is available for viewing or download: Brumby Bridges June 2018 In this issue: President’s Chat Brumbies Biodiversity and Evolution What Park environmental studies do not include The Brumby Bill 2018 Member News How colour adaptions help horses survive Editor’s Tail Continue reading

Kosciuszko National Park Wild Horse Heritage Bill 2018

23 May 2018 was an historic day for Australian Wild Horses.  The Kosciuszko National Park Wild Horse Heritage Bill 2018 was introduced to the NSW Parliament NSW by Member for Monaro, John Barilaro and, for the first time in Australian history, Brumbies have been recognised for their heritage value. The object of the Act is to recognise the heritage value of sustainable wild horse populations within parts of Kosciuszko National Park and to protect that heritage, while ensuring other environmental values of the park are also maintained. You can read or download the First Print of the “Brumby Bill” by… Continue reading