As expected, Penny Sharpe did not respond to Rod Roberts request for confirmation of the brumby count result. https://www.parliament.nsw.gov.au/lc/papers/pages/qanda-tracking-details.aspx?pk=102822 We have raised our concern with Rob Roberts and the media about the fact that she is refusing to release the brumby numbers from the November count, even when raised in Senate. 48 brumbies have been trapped and sent to rehomers in the last 2 weeks – and heaven knows how many have been trapped and gone to slaughter. If, in her words, the numbers are drastically reduced and there are only 3000 to 4000, why continue trapping and removing them until… Continue reading

Brumby shooting report released, and rejected

AN upper house committee released its final report on Wednesday into aerial shooting of brumbies in Kosciuszko National Park, but the report has been rejected by the chair of the committee. Chair of the committee, the Hon Emma Hurst MLC, said: “From the outset of this inquiry, it was clear that aerial shooting of brumbies in Kosciuszko National Park is a highly controversial topic. It was always going to be an extremely difficult inquiry.” “Unfortunately as the Chair for this inquiry, I cannot support the final report as published. Unanimous agreement on the findings and recommendations could not be met… Continue reading

NSW government accepts findings of review into brumby rehoming program in Kosciuszko National Park

from ABC Riverina and ABC website posted 26 June and updated 28 June 2024 In short: A report on the review of the wild horses rehoming program in Kosciuszko National Park has been made public. It has made four key recommendations to strengthen the program, which the NSW Environment Department has accepted in principle. Lynette Sutton is a brumby rehomer based at Berrigan, and said the review is an “acknowledgement of [NPWS] failing their own processes”. “Hopefully, it will see the road forward with rehoming where incidents like Wagga don’t happen again.” photos from ABC website – above: Lynette Sutton… Continue reading

Rethinking the mantra of biodiversity: Why the past should not determine the future

from the ABC Website The New South Wales state government has recently commenced the aerial killings of 14,000 feral horses residing in Kosciuszko National Park. The goal is to meet the legislated requirement of reducing the number of horses in the park to 3,000 by 2027. This legislation was passed because NSW has the legal mandate of protecting biodiversity and because the activities of feral horses are classified as a threat to native species, such as Corroboree frogs and broad-tooth rats. This policy illustrates the normative assumptions of conservation policy-makers, which are well-captured in Michael Soulé’s famous article, “What Is… Continue reading

Live Stream of Animal Welfare inquiry into proposed aerial shooting of brumbies in Kosciuszko National Park

The second day of hearings by the NSW Legislative Committee on Animal Welfare will be Live Streamed on Monday 5 February 2024. You can watch live at the link below: In September 2023 ABA posted info on the Committee’s the call for submissions by 13 October. ABA President Jill Pickering and Vice President Nikki Alberts gave evidence before the Animal Welfare Committee, chaired by the Hon Emma Hurst MLC, on 18 December 2023 and you can view a video of that day’s live stream using the links below: Continue reading