ABA Submission to NSW pest animal issues draft report

As reported in a previous ABA post, The NSW Natural Resource Commission has  released a draft report, Shared Problem, Shared Solutions on pest animal issues in NSW. The report was produced at the request of the Premier of NSW to undertake an independent, state-wide review of pest animal management in NSW. The public is now invited to provide feedback on the draft report before finalization of the recommendations by the end of June 2016. The ABA submission in response to the draft Natural Resources Commission (NRC) – Pest Animal Management Review (PAMR) for NSW consists of three parts which you… Continue reading

Help the Kosi Brumbies

How you can help keep Brumbies living wild in the Kosciuszko National Park: 1. Read the ABA Press release …more This is a Wild Horse Management Plan that will manage to extinction – Numbers as low as 600 or even 400 as stated in the NPWS plan will be extremely vulnerable to: • Future political changes and • Natural catastrophes such as drought and bushfire which could decimate the remaining 400-600 Brumbies. The 2003 catastrophic wild fires killed 64% of the total Brumby population; Kosi Brumbies (and populations in other States who follow NPWS lead) will be lost to future… Continue reading