Urgent Reminder – “have your say” on Amending the Kosciuszko National Park Wild Horse Heritage Management Plan

Please complete on-line Survey and email submission by 11-Sept-2023

The amendment proposed to the NSW Wild Horse Heritage management plan is to add aerial shooting to the current control methods of ground shooting, trapping for rehoming or if no rehomers available, horses are trucked to the knackery.

It is vital for you and each of your contacts to “have your say” by doing any one  of the following:

  1. Completing online form.  CLICK on:

 Draft amendment to the Kosciuszko National Park Wild Horse Heritage Management Plan (qualtrics.com)

scroll  down page to find survey questions, then also complete  your submission responding to option 2 or 3 below;

  • Write a polite, strong response rejecting the plan change to add aerial shooting, then
    • Post submission to: The Project Team, Kosciuszko National Park Wild Horse Heritage Management Plan National Parks & Wildlife Service, PO Box 472, TUMUT NSW 2720
  • Complete the on-line response by Clicking on link below, scroll down page to short form.

NOTE: Complete the SURVEY & short written submission before Mon 11-Sept-2023

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