Parks Victoria to remove Brumbies from Bogong High Plains – ABA Media Release

Parks Victoria’s draft Horse Strategic Action Plan to remove every single brumby from their historic home range on the Bogong High Plains and drastically reduce wild horse numbers across the Alpine National Park – appears to be based on a flawed impact study. More….     Continue reading

Jill Pickering speaks out on 3CR Community Radio for the Alpine Brumbies

Parks Victoria  plan to eradicate all the  brumbies in the Bogong High Plains of Victoria which is not founded on any peer reviewed science.  Jill Pickering from the Australian Brumby Alliance unpacks the injustices & inconsistencies of the evidence used to back the cull. Listen to Jill speak on Freedom of Species by clicking on the link below and downloading the episode. We have until Friday to tell Parks Victoria to not eradicate all the brumbies! Scroll down  to follow link to feedback form for Parks Victoria : Continue reading