June Issue of the ABA Newsletter available now!

The June 2014 issue of Brumby Bridges is now available online to view or download: Brumby Bridges June 2014 In this issue: New Barmah Brumby Preservation Group Conservation Grazing to Arrest Desertification Member News National Parks legislation NSWNPW Kosi Field Trip Report Ramsar Convention on Wetlands – its link to Barmah New Veterinarian Brumby Working Group Continue reading

Barmah Forest Heritage Horses – Petition to the Victorian Government

ABA, in concert with other concerned groups is campaigning to keep the Barmah Forest Heritage Brumbies in the area they have lived for over 150 years. You can help by signing and distributing the petition to the Victorian Government.  To download copies of the petition preamble (also displayed below) and the petition itself, click on the links below. Petition preamble – Victorian Government PETITION to Victorian Government Please return to L Sutton PO Box 86 Berrigan NSW 2712.  For more information on this campaign, read the preamble to the petition below or contact Jill Pickering.   PETITION to the Victorian… Continue reading

Barmah Forest Brumbies – URGENT call to submit your views

Urgent – Barmah Forest Survey Your Support is needed to help Brumbies in Barmah State Forest (Vic) Please submit your response to Parks Victoria by 16 February 2014 Parks Victoria has recently decided to remove all Brumbies in Barmah Forest (Victoria), effectively ignoring the Key Stake holders who have met with Parks Victoria for over a year to recommend the best way to manage around 150 Brumbies living in the Barmah Forest. Following Parks Victoria decision to remove the Brumbies, Parks Victoria is undertaking a study to assess social & heritage values of wild horse population in Barmah National Park…. Continue reading