Stop Press ! Urgent Petition to Oppose Live Export of Horses and Donkeys

You may have heard that there are moves in the federal government to open up a market in the live export of ponies, horses and donkeys for slaughter overseas.

Under questioning in Senate Estimates from Senator Derryn Hinch, Departmental officials confirmed that a number of enquiries had been made about exporting horses and donkeys “in large numbers for slaughter”. Various groups, including Canberra’s rspca and the Australian Equine Unification Scheme groups have worked to raise awareness about this – but until Senate Estimates there was nothing recorded in the public domain to share.

With Darren Hinch, raising this issue in the Senate, and the Senate voting to call for a ban on the export of horses and donkeys from Australia, the way is open to gather signatures on the official Senate petition link The petition is designed to meet the conditions required to be tabled in the Senate – so that each of our signatures will add support to the Senate’s call to stop all live export of horses and donkeys.

We have been asked to circulate this petition link as widely as possible and hope that you can also share this petition, with its direct Senate link, through your social media, newsletters and networks etc. This is a great opportunity to demonstrate an urgent, united ground swell of public opposition to such a move; and to call on the Australian Government to stop this cruel trade before it starts, and prohibit the live export of ponies, horses and donkeys immediately.

Jill Pickering

Australian Brumby Alliance


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