AN upper house committee released its final report on Wednesday into aerial shooting of brumbies in Kosciuszko National Park, but the report has been rejected by the chair of the committee.

Chair of the committee, the Hon Emma Hurst MLC, said: “From the outset of this inquiry, it was clear that aerial shooting of brumbies in Kosciuszko National Park is a highly controversial topic. It was always going to be an extremely difficult inquiry.”
“Unfortunately as the Chair for this inquiry, I cannot support the final report as published. Unanimous agreement on the findings and recommendations could not be met and the final report is far removed from the original recommendations and findings I had proposed. While many in the community may be distressed by the final report, I thank everyone who gave their time and expertise in this inquiry.’
“The report that I had proposed as chair was gutted by the Shooters Fishers and Farmer’s Party and Labor, leaving an entirely unbalanced report that did not give consideration to the very compelling evidence we heard from vets, statisticians, the local community, and other animal welfare experts,”
“Hearing all the evidence it was clear to me that the aerial shooting of brumbies is not justified and can never be justified.
ABA provided a submission to this inquiry and is outraged by the outcome. We encourage you to read the NSW Government report and particularly the dissenting statements at the end.