Victoria – Mountain Cattlemen Association Victoria (MCAV)

Mountain Cattlemen are angry with the Government’s announcement to exterminate every Brumby from the Bogong High Plains. “The Bogong High Plains are vast and iconic.  The small mob of Brumbies that run on the Plains (estimated less than 100) cause minimal impact to that vast area but are a significant part of the heritage that makes the Plains so special to visitors”, Graeme Stoney, President of the Mountain Cattlemen’s Association of Victoria (MCAV) said today. Continue reading

Victorian Alpine Brumby Founding Stock

The Brumby Founding Stock of the Bogongs and Eastern Alps This document has been created with help from ABA supporters conducting interviews with people whose ancestors worked the Victorian Alps, information gleaned from literature on the history of the Victorian Alps and online archives. The key purpose of this document is to illustrate the heritage attributes of the Bogong High Plains and Victorian Eastern Alpine region Brumbies. This document is a living document, and will continue to grow as our knowledge expands and we learn more from relevant key sources with deeper local knowledge and heritage skills. The ABA encourages… Continue reading