Date: Wed, 11 Sep 2013
Subject: Alps Horse Plan Submissions
The following is a response from Parks Victoria regarding concerns about recent ABC news aired by Victorian environmentalists who are using rspca vic’s recommendation for aerial shooting in the Alpine National Park.
“Thanks for your email. You should not be concerned, as indicated in documentation on the Parks Victoria website the shooting of free roaming horses is not being considered a control option as part of the current consultation.
I believe your concerns may stem from a segment that aired on ABC Melbourne radio yesterday. The segment featured an interview with Phil Ingamells from the Victorian National Parks Association (VNPA). The VNPA is an independent community conservation organisation that is in no way related to Parks Victoria. I think some people may have confused the VNPA with Parks Victoria.
The draft Victorian Alps Wild Horse Management Plan is still under development. Public submissions together with advice from the Roundtable Group, feedback from a public perception survey, interviews with key interest groups and advice from the technical reference group are all being considered as the draft plan is developed. The draft management plan is expected to be released for a 60 day period of consultation in late 2013. You will have the opportunity to review and comment on the draft plan at this time. I will notify you when the draft plan is released for public comment.”
Daniel Brown
Environment, Land and Water Planning Officer
Alpine District
Parks Victoria