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ABA Supports new brumby management initiative
The Australian Brumby Management Organisation aims to bring a broad group of interests together to improve wild horse managment.
ABA appalled at NSW decision to introduce aerial shooting
Animal Welfare Inquiry into Aerial Shooting
The NSW Paliamentary Committee on Animal Welfare is holding an inquiry into aerial shooting of bumbies in KNP.
Have your say by 13 October 2023
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Fate of Vic Alpine Brumbies decided this Friday
We have just days to go to see if Victorian Alpine heritage Brumbies will be exterminated, or if we win, that Parks Vic have to applied for permission to the Hon. Minister Ley (Federal Environment minister) to approve or deny Parks Victoria ‘s action under the EPBC Act.
Action – If you have not already, sign both petitions below to demonstrate the need to preserve sustainable Brumby populations surviving in the wild.
Jill Pickering, ABA
CHANGE Petition LINK – Can we get to 15,000 Australia wide?
Open to all Australians within Victoria or not
Parliament Petition (Marilyn-Andy Meddick) Target 10,000 LINK;
Only open for Victorian residents as it targets the Victorian Government – 4128 signatures – let’s get to 10,000 signatures by Thursday 7th May 2020
Credit to Donna Crebbin for providing the fantastic photos. Thank you.