Eastern Victorian Alps (SE VicAlps to NSW Kosciuszko border)
Managed by:
Parks Victoria
Current Brumby plan:
Protection Alpine National Park Feral Horse Strategic Action Plan 2018–2021 https://s3.ap-southeast-2.amazonaws.com/hdp.au.prod.app.vic-engage.files/8815/2757/7404/Alpine-NP-Feral-Horse-SAP-2018-21.pdf
Inhabited area for:
200 plus years
Population size 2020:
Unknown: Locals dispute last count of 5,000 and many report 100s shot during 2020; plus up to 200 trapped since last count.
Current position:
Critically threatened (ALL Brumbies to be exterminated by Christmas 2021; Decreed by Vic government and Parks Victoria.
Culling methods:
Trap to rehoming capacity and ground shoot ALL Brumbies not rehomed.
Stakeholder Groups:
Victorian Brumby Association (VBA)
Plus others.
ABA lobby position:
Retention of 1,500 to 2,000 Brumbies in sustainable areas that ensure key sub populations are retained at genetically viable levels.