Barmah Brumby Awareness Ride 16th August 2014

Hoofs2010 Inc. and the Barmah Brumby Preservation Group Inc. are holding a Heritage Horse Awareness Day in Echuca, Victoria on August 16, 2014.

During the day there will be guest speakers, entertainment, information stalls and “stalls of the horse kind”.  Entry is by gold coin donation and it will be a great family day out.

A highlight will be a parade of horses, led and ridden through the town of Echuca to Rotary Park.  Enter as an individual, group or club to be in the parade! (pre-registration required). Wear a heritage costume in the parade to show how horses have help shaped Australia and have a chance to win a great prize!

Heritage Horse Day Flyer 16th August

Parade Route








Camping available and for more information contact Lynne on 0401-527-991, click on the images above and download the forms below:

Ride registration

Echuca Ride Liability Risk Warning and Waiver

Echuca Ride Liability Parental Consent and Indemnity



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