Beerburrum State Forest
Managed by:
Queensland Parks & Wildlife Service (QPWS)
Current Brumby plan:
Passive trapping to remove Brumbies close to main highways & rehome.
Inhabited area for:
From the 1940s according to local knowledge
Population size 2020:
80 to 100 brumbies. Capture and rehoming horses at high risk of collision with vehicles and fencing the methods used.
Current position:
Passive trapping to remove Brumbies close to main highways & rehome.
Culling methods:
Fencing, Passive trapping & rehoming.
Stakeholder Groups:
SEQ Brumby Assoc. (SEQBA)
Plus others
ABA lobby position:
Identify a sustainable number for the area and manage to that level by fertility control where possible and continue trapping Brumbies living to close to the main highways and at high risk of collision with vehicles.