Meet Our Members

A beach outing of the Victorian Brumby Association with VBA Wattle, VB Anzac and VBA AuroraThe ABA will have no control or authority over individual wild horse groups but membership is contingent upon the member having consistent/similar objectives to ABA principles and activities and preferable have a ‘not for profit’ status.

There are multiples categories of membership to the ABA:

Category – INCORPORATED MEMBER eligibility is dependent on that member being an organisation that fulfils point (a) and (b), and may include point (c) below: a) Is an Incorporated organisation, b) has a constitution that aligns with the values and belief of the ABA, c) preferable has a “not for profit” status, and d) Is entitled to one vote at Committee meetings from their nominated representative.

Category – NON-INCORPORATED MEMBER eligibility is dependent on that member: a) If a group, having a constitution that aligns with the values and belief of the ABA, or b) If an individual, having an attitude that aligns with the values and belief of the ABA, and c) Is not entitled to vote, however may participate in all activities of the Association including Committee meetings. d) The Committee may, if the need arises, pass a resolution giving permission for a NON[1]INCORPORATED member to be entitled to vote for a specified period of time.

Category – OTHER CATEGORIES OF MEMBERSHIP – the ABA committee has the power to determine other categories of membership in a non-voting capacity, as needed. Per individual basis.

Each voting member group is entitled to one vote.

To apply to become a member of the ABA – please contact in**@au**********************.au and a membership form can be sent to you.   Or you can download the Membership Form via the link below.

ABA Membership Form

for more info on ABA and membership:

ABA Constitution

Our Members are listed below and you can view further information by clicking on their name or via our Links Page.

Incorporated ABA Member Groups

Non-Inc. ABA Member Groups


Adopting a Brumby from the South East Queensland Brumby Association

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