Why the ABA was formed

Brumbies on the Victorian Bogong High Plains

Historically, the Brumby was valued for its endurance, strength, reliability and all round agility, and many of the old bloodlines evolved into what we now know as the Waler or the Australian Stock horse.  Under the National Parks Act 1975, exotic fauna such as wild horses, are to be exterminated or controlled to preserve and protect the parks’ natural and native values.  The ABA recognizes the need to manage wild horse numbers responsibly, however a balance must be struck between striving to return our landscape to pre-European settlement days and allowing the evolution of our country’s natural and cultural history.

Brumby stallion STB Baringa

Thousands of wild horses continue to be ground and aerial shot across Australia.  Even Brumbies that are passively trapped may be sent to abattoirs as most people have no idea how valuable these horses can be following care and handling be wild horse experts.  The plight of our heritage Brumbies is still growing.

The good news is that dedicated people across Australia have formed wild horse re-homing charities and set aside long hours of voluntary time to tame down and sell on these healthy, intelligent and multipurpose horses.

These charities (to date) receive no government funding and rely purely on donations to pay for trucking, agistment, fencing, gelding and feeding horses until they are ready to be re-homed.

Guy Fawkes Brumbies, New England Brumby Sanctuary

The ABA was formed to strengthen and unify the efforts of like-minded groups such as these with the aim of protecting and preserving a valuable part of our heritage and culture.

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