Australian Brumby Alliance Takes Court Action To Stop Cruel Brumby Shooting

Court Case Overview

The Australian Brumby Alliance (ABA) is taking legal action against Parks Victoria in the Supreme Court of Victoria on 1 December 2022 on the grounds of animal cruelty. This Webpage provides further information on the legal action and will be updated as the court case progresses.

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Australian Brumby Alliance alleges that Parks Victoria’s inhumane killing of Brumbies by gunshot is unlawful and does not comply with the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act. Over-population of a non-native species does not justify inhumane practices for population control. Recent photos and local accounts of horses and tiny foals slaughtered by gunshot indicate evidence of immense suffering.  Horses are sentient beings which experience both physical and emotional suffering. There are kinder alternatives available to the Victorian Government to control Brumby populations.  Victorian Brumby numbers can be controlled by humane methods, such as fertility control which has been used successfully in the USA for 40 years, and rehoming which was stopped in Victoria when shooting began. ABA’s court action has been taken to stop the inhumane shooting and killing of Brumbies and replacing it with humane methods of control – which is exactly what ABA have been calling on the Government to do for the last 14 years.

If you would like a copy of the transcript of the hearings, the please contact the Supreme Court directly.  Below is a link to a transcript request form.  Our Case Number is: S ECI 2022 03414


For comment: Jill Pickering 0400 558 772
For legal background: Vanessa Bleyer 0412 586 848